Opāls (Opal, Опал )

Opal was formed many millions of years ago, when a combination of silica and water flowed into cracks and spaces in the ground. This then gradually hardened and solidified to become opal. Opals contain water, which makes them very sensitive to heat. They are soft and can be cracked or chipped easily. Opals should be stored in moist absorbent cotton.

Opal Care: Soak solid opal in plain water for about an hour once a month. Water is one of the chemical components in opal and can be gradually lost over time, causing the stone to crack (this is called crazing). Never put opal in oil or in detergent solution, because it may lose the color. Remove dirt by gently wiping with tissue paper moistened with rubbing alcohol. Opal should never be heated. [5]

There are several different types of Opal including Boulder Opal, Fire Opal, Andean Opal (both Pink and Blue), Ethiopian Opal, Lemon Opal, etc. There are also differences in Common vs. Precious Opals. Each will have their own specific set of metaphysical properties and geological information. Opals are essentially silicon dioxide with water that has become trapped inside.

In general, Opal aids in strengthening personal and business relationships. It is often referred to as the stone of happy dreams and changes. Opal is a soothing stone, helping to balance mood swings and enhance trust in your own feelings. Opal awakens both psychic and mystical qualities. Opal can also release fear and send comforting support to those who are grieving.

On a physical level, Opal can help to improve the memory, ease the birthing process, cool a fever and fight infection.

Note: Because Opals contain water, do not leave them in sunlight or they will become brittle and break. [4]

Opal varieties

Cat's Eye Opal

Common Opal - Opaque variety of Opal, shows no play of colour.

Agate Opal - Opal showing concentric banding as in agate.

Andean Opal - A greenish-blue variety of opal found in Peru.

Girasol - Bluish-white translucent Opal with reddish reflections.

Honey Opal - An orange-brown Common opal.

Hyalite - Colourless, water-clear opal with a strong sheen.

Hydrophane - A milky variety of Opal that turns translucent or transparent when immersed in water.

Jasper Opal - A brecciated Jasper cemented by opal.

Milk Opal - A white Common opal.

Moss Opal - Milky opal containing dendritic inclusions

Pink Opal

Prase Opal - A green variety of Common opal.

Semiopal - Historic name for an opal without opalescence

Wax Opal - A yellow-to brown Opal with a waxy lustre.

Wood Opal - Petrified wood replaced with Opal.

Fire Opal - A red to yellow variety of Opal.

Precious Opal - A variety of Opal that displays play-of-colour.

Black Opal - The variety of Precious Opal with a dark background colour.

Boulder Opal - A variety of Precious Opal found in Queensland, Australia.

Crystal Opal - Transparent to translucent Precious Opal where colour play is visible both on the surface and in the interior.

Harlequin Opal - Transparent to translucent Precious Opal with effective mosaic-like colour patterns.

Matrix Opal - A rock consisting of a (usually) silicified matrix containing veins or blebs of Precious opal.

Water Opal - A transparent Precious opal with a gelatinous appearance and a bluish sheen.

White Opal - Precious Opal with a white background. [37]

VarietāteBolderas opāls[2], Piena opāls[2], Rozā opāls[2], Sūnu opāls[2], Uguns opāls[2], Zilganzaļš Andu opāls[2]
Ļoti saderTirkīzs[17], Koraļi[17], Lazurīts[17]
SaderLabradorīts[17], Zilais safīrs[17], Akvamarīns[17], Ametists[17], Berils[17], Onikss[17], Šamaņa akmens[5]
NeitrālsDzintars[17], Obsidiāns[17]
NesaderHalcedons[17], Granāts[17], Halcedons[17], Hematīts[17], Jašma[17], Melnais ahāts[17]
Galīgi nesaderSmaragds[17], Karneols[17]
Krāsa Zila[4][30], Zilgana[37], Zaļa[30], Sarkana[30][37], Rozā[4], Oranža[30], Melna[37], Dzeltena[4][30][37], Brūna[30], Bezkrāsaina[4][30][37], Balta[4][30][37]
Svītra Balta[30]
Caurspīdīgums Caurspīdīgs[30][37], Necaurspīdīgs[37], Puscaurspīdīgs[30][37]
Spīdums Nespodrs[30], Stikla[30][37][58], Taukains[30], Vaska[30]
Cietība 5 - 6,5[37], 5,5 - 6,5[30][56][58]
Čakra Čakras atkarībā no krāsas[4][58], Visas čakras atkarība no krāsas[7]
Vibrācija 8[4]
Zodiaks Zivis (Pisces)[7][4][58], Skorpions (Scorpio)[4], Svari (Libra)[4], Vēzis (Cancer)[4]
Planētas Jupiters[7], Mēness[7]
Enerģija Projektīvā Jan (izdala enerģiju, aktivizē)[7][58]
Kaites Vēnu paplašināšanās[9], Saindēšanās[4], Pubertāte[4], Pūtītes[9], Menstruācijas[4], Pirmsmenstruālais sindroms[4], Kuņģis[9], Infekcija[4], Izsitumi[9], Hipofīze[58][4], Epifīze-čiekurveida dziedzeris[58][4], Depresija[9], Drudzis[4], Dzemdības[4], Dzimšana[4], Samazina drudzi[4], Siena drudzis[9], Bakteriālas infekcijas[58], Aknu slimības[9], Asinsrites traucējumi[9], Astma[9], Atmiņa[4], Mazasinība[9][9]
Emocionālā ietekme Neelastīgums[4], Nomierināšana[4], Mierināšana[4], Laime[4], Komforts[4], Nedrošas jūtas[4], Ietiepība[4], Atbrīvo bailes[4]
Garīgā ietekme Psihiskās spējas[4]
Uzmanību! Nelikt saulē[4]
Minerālu klase Mineraloīdi[4]
Ķīmiskā formula SiO2nH2O - Silīcija dioksīda hidrāts ar piemaisījumiem[58][37][30][4]
Blīvums (g/cm3) 2,1[56][58]
Atradnes ASV[56][37], Austrālija[37][4][2][56], Brazīlija[37][56], Čehija[56], Etiopija[37], Gvatemala[56], Hondurasa[56][37], Indonēzija[37], Japāna[56], Kanāda[37][4], Krievija-Austrumsibīrija[56], Krievija-Tālie Austrumi[56], Meksika[4][56][37], Peru[37], Tanzānija[37], Ungārija[56]
Tibetas Retro stila kaklarota[30]