Šamaņa akmens (Shaman Stone, Mochi Marbles, Moqui Balls, Maqui Marbles, Thunderball)

Shaman Stone also called Shamanic Star Stones, Mochi Marbles, Moqui Balls, Thunderballs,are stones of harmony and balance. They are excellent tools for vibrational healing.

Shaman Stones are helpful in overcoming the fear of death and the fear of pain, freeing one to pursue one's path without limitation. They are stones of the ascetic, helping one learn to overcome physical discomfort in the search for spiritual enlightenment.

Some uses of the Shaman Stone are:

  • Helps in meditation
  • Helps unblock psychic visions
  • Relieves physical discomfort
  • They are excellent tools in Shamanic journeys

Also called Shaman Stones, Mochi Marbles, Moqui Balls©, or Maqui Marbles, these fascinating brown spheres are sandstone and iron concretions from the Navajo Sandstone in southeast Utah. The word “Moqui” comes from the Hopi language meaning “the dead” and it is said that the deceased ancestors of the Hopi people came to Earth to play with these “marbles” at sunset.

Moqui Marbles are almost always used in pairs – a small, round stone, which is considered female, and a larger, disc-like stone which is male, can be held in each hand (female stone in left hand) to ground and protect the user and balance one’s energy. Moqui Marbles are associated with the element of Earth and, as such, can give one a greater sense of belonging, either with people or the earth itself, without feeling stifled. They are used for the protection of the home to guard against burglary, troublemakers, and natural occurrences such as lightning, fires and floods. Hold a Moqui Marble in each hand before bedtime to ease the mind and alleviate insomnia. [4]

SaderAleksandrīts[5], Opāls[5], Tirkīzs[5]
Krāsa Brūna[4][5], Dzeltenbrūna[4]
Cietība 4 - 5[4]
Čakra 1. saknes Muladhara[4], Aktivizē visas[5]
Vibrācija 6[4], 4[4]
Stihija Zeme[5]
Zodiaks Udensvīrs (Aquarius)[4], Mežāzis (Capricorn)[4], Svari (Libra)[4], Auns (Aries)[4]
Enerģija Aizsardzības[5], Dziedināšanas[5], Intuīcijas[5], Līdzsvara[5]
Kaites Sāpes[4], Izlīdzina čakras[4], Bezmiegs[4]
Emocionālā ietekme Sagatavotība[4], Sakars[4], Centrēšanās[4], Aizsardzība[4]
Garīgā ietekme Sagatavotība[4]
Sastopamība Diezgan reta[4]
Atradnes ASV[4][5]