Dzeltenais opāls (Yellow Opal)

Yellow Opal is a stone of emotional stability. It is often used to amplify positive emotions. It is useful in balancing the crown chakra.

The opal is said to be many things including the most powerful of healing stones, the stone of hope, the stone of great achievement and even the "stone of the Gods".

Ancient Romans associated opal with hope and good luck. [5]

Krāsa Dzeltena[5]
Čakra 7. vainaga (Crown) Sahasrara[5]
Stihija Ūdens[5], Zeme[5]
Zodiaks Zivis (Pisces)[5], Skorpions (Scorpio)[5], Svari (Libra)[5], Vēzis (Cancer)[5]
Enerģija Dziedināšanas[5], Laimes[5], Mīlestibas[5], Spēju[5]