Heliotrops, asinsakmens (Heliotrope/Bloodstone, Гелиотроп)

Bloodstone is a powerful healing stone used for thousands of years for its healing properties. It is often used to purify and detoxify the body. Great at grounding negative energy and cleansing the body, Bloodstone brings love into any situation and helps ground the negative energies surrounding that issue. Bloodstone assists in enhancing the functions of the mind, bringing clarity and understanding to subjects that were unfamiliar.

Bloodstone has been used to increase energy and strength. It removes energy blockages, which in turn, creates a smooth and constant energy flow throughout the body. Bloodstone can help to enhance intuition and creativity, and can be used to combat fatigue, irritability and confusion. It is good to keep a Bloodstone in any place that needs its energy cleansed.

Physically, Bloodstone is an energy cleanser, purifying the blood and detoxifying the liver, kidneys and spleen. It benefits all blood rich organs and regulates blood flow. Bloodstone cleanses lower chakras, realigning the energies. [4]

Bloodstone is an opaque, dark-green Chalcedony with red spots. An old name still used in Europe is heliotrope (Greek - sun turner). Used often as seals for men's rings and for other ornamental objects.

In the trade, the term blood jasper is sometimes used. Bloodstone, however, is not a jasper at all, even though a radial structure with spherical aggregates can simulate a grainy appearance. [37]

Bloodstone (also called heliotrope) is green with distinctive red spots that resemble blood, giving this stone its name. The bloodstone was used to stop bleeding especially nosebleeds.

There is a legend that says the bloodstone was formed from the blood of Christ dripping on the green earth and solidifying. It was also called heliotrope by the Greeks and was thought to bring change. The bloodstone has been used as an amulet to protect against the evil eye. Bloodstone is the symbol of justice.

The bloodstone is used for circulation of all energy in the body and helps to remove energy blocks. Bloodstone is used in the alignment of all the centers of the body. A healer must do this alignment while the patient lies on his stomach. It also aids in the circulation of blood. It is good to have several pieces of Bloodstone in the home to increase the flow of life energy. [5]

Bloodstone is composed of Green Quartz with small dots of Red Jasper. Legend says that Bloodstone was first formed at Christ's crucifixion by drops of blood staining the stones at the foot of the cross. Bloodstone is also known as Heliotrope. Bloodstone is a powerful healing stone used for thousands of years for its healing properties. Great at grounding negative energy and cleansing the body, Bloodstone brings Love into any situation and helps ground the negative energies surrounding that issue. [13]

Ļoti saderLazurīts[17], Serdoliks[17], Tirkīzs[17]
SaderPērles[17], Safīrs[17], Ametists[17]
NeitrālsBerils[17], Melnais ahāts[17]
Galīgi nesaderHematīts[17], Malahīts [17], Obsidiāns[17], Onikss[17], Sardoniks[17]
Krāsa Zaļgani zila[2], Tumši zaļa[37], Zaļa[5][4], Sarkana[2]
Svītra Balta[2][5]
Caurspīdīgums Necaurspīdīgs[37], Puscaurspīdīgs[37]
Spīdums Stikla[58], Sveķains[37], Vaska[37]
Cietība 6,5 - 7[37][58], 7[4]
Čakra 1. saknes Muladhara[3][7][4][5], 2. krusta kaula, sakrālā[3][4][58], 3. saules pinuma Manipuru[3][7][4], 4. sirds (Heart) Anahata[3][7][4][58], 7. vainaga (Crown) Sahasrara[3]
Vibrācija 6[3][4], 4[3][4]
Stihija Gaiss[7], Ūdens[7], Uguns[3][7], Zeme[3][7]
Zodiaks Zivis (Pisces)[3][4][5], Strēlnieks (Sagittarius)[58], Skorpions (Scorpio)[3][5], Svari (Libra)[3][4], Jaunava (Virgo)[58], Auns (Aries)[3][4][5]
Planētas Marss[5], Saule[7]
Ercengelis Camuels[3]
Enerģija Aizsardzības[5], Dziedināšanas[5], Projektīvā Jan (izdala enerģiju, aktivizē)[7][58], Spēju[5]
Kaites Resnā zarna[4], Vēdera sāpes[9], Vēnu paplašināšanās[9], Vēzis[4], Urīnpūšļa slimības[9], Toksīni[4], Trieka[4], Trombi[4], Saindēšanās[4], Sirds[4], Stress[58], Pārpūle[9], Plaušas[4], Podagra[9], Nieres[4][33], Nieru slimības[9], Matu izkrišana[9], Fiziskais līdzsvars[4], Liesa[33], Limfātiskā sistēma[4], Kaulu smadzenes[4], Ķermeņa detoksifikācija[4], Krampji[4], Imūnsistēmas stiprināšana[4], Išiass[9], Gripa[9], Hemofīlija[58], Deguna asiņošana[4], Saules pinuma čakra[4], Bronhīts[4], Skābju balanss ķermenī[4], Acis[4], Aizkuņģa dziedzeris[4], Aknas[4][33], Aknu slimības[9][18], Anēmija, mazasinība[4], Aptur asiņošanu[4], Asinis[4], Asins detoksifikācija[4], Asins tīrīšana[4][58], Asinsrite[58], Asinsrites sistēma[33][4], Atbrīvo no toksīniem[4], Audzēji[4], Augsts asisnsspiediens[4], Mazasinība[9]
Emocionālā ietekme Sagatavotība[4], Nesavtība[4], Maigums[4], Līdzjūtība[4], Drosme[4], Dusmas[4], Agresīva uzvedība[4], Apvienošana[4]
Garīgā ietekme Sagatavotība[4], Pazemība[4], Labklājība[4], Kalpošana cilvēcei[4], Buda[4], Apzināšanās[4]
Gada-dienas akmens 45[5], 55[5]
Dzimšanas akmens Decembris[5], Marts[5][2]
Minerālu klase Silikātu minerāls[4], Silikātu minerāls, tektosilikāts[2]
Ķīmiskā formula SiO2, silīcija dioksīds[58][4]
Blīvums (g/cm3) 2,4[2], 2,5[58]
Atradnes Armēnija[2], ASV[2][30][5], Austrālija[4][2][30][5][56][58], Azerbaidžāna[2], Brazīlija[4][2][5][56][58], Bulgārija[2], Čehija[30], Dienvidāfrika[30], Ēģipte[56][58], Indija[4][2][30][5][58], Itālija[30], Kanāda[30], Ķīna[4][2][56][58], Krievija[4], Krievija-Urāli[56][58], Lielbritānija[2], Rumānija[30], Slovakija[30], Vācija[30], Vidusāzija[58]