Rutils (Rutile)

Sometimes called “Angel Hair”, especially when it is found in Quartz, Kunzite, Hematite, etc., Rutile is a Titanium ore. It forms in lustrous needle-like inclusions and, as such, can often pinpoint the root of a problem or disease, making it easier to make decisions about the outcome.

Rutile strengthens the aura and can stabilize relationships, especially romantic and familial. It gives insight into past emotional trauma during astral travel. It is also beneficial during dream recall and meditation. Rutile can enhance clairsentience, further enabling the use of one’s intuition.

Physically, Rutile alleviates bronchitis, impotence, increases lactation and strengthens the walls of veins. It can restore balance to the body by pointing to the area of disease and aides in cell regeneration. [4]

Krāsa Zeltaina[4], Zila[4], Zilgana[30], Zaļa[4], Violeta[30], Brūni sarkana[30], Purpursarkana[4], Sarkana[30][4], Sarkanīga[37], Sudraba[4], Pelēcīgi melna[30], Melna[30][4][37], Brūngani dzeltena[30], Dzeltena[30][4], Brūna[30], Dzeltenīgi brūna[37], Sarkanīgi brūna[37]
Caurspīdīgums Caurspīdīgs[30][37], Necaurspīdīgs[37], Puscaurspīdīgs[37]
Spīdums Dimanta[30], Metālisks[30]
Cietība 6 - 6,5[30][4]
Čakra 6. trešās acs (Third Eye) Adžnu[4]
Vibrācija 4[4]
Zodiaks Dvīņi (Gemini)[4], Vērsis (Taurus)[4]
Kaites Vēnas[4], Saindēta pārtika[4], Smēķēšana[4], Šūnu reģenerācija[4], Laktācija[4], Līdzsvaro fizisko ķermeni[4], Impotence[4], Bronhīts[4]
Emocionālā ietekme Radniecība[4], Meditācija[4], Intuīcija[4]
Minerālu klase Oksīdu mirerāls[4]
Blīvums (g/cm3) 4,2[30], 4,2 - 4,3[37]
Atradnes Āfrika[4], Birma[37], Brazīlija[4][37], Kirgizstāna[37], Krievija-Tālie Austrumi[37], Šrilanka[37]