Fosfosiderīts (Phosphosiderite)

Phosphosiderite, although a mouthful to say, is basically a combination of phosphorous and iron. It is found in lovely shades of pink, purple, lilac and even green, red or colorless.

A stone of healing, Phosphosiderite works wonders with the Heart and Third Eye chakras to balance these energy centers and allow one to gain a better understanding of one’s spiritual path. It can help one to communicate with spirit guides and angels, and is a wonderful crystal to use in meditation.

Use Phosphosiderite when you need to gain a better understanding of your past lives and, in turn, better understand your life in the now. It can be an excellent stress-reliever when worn or carried.

Physically, Phosphosiderite can help with insomnia, if placed under your pillow; alleviate upper respiratory ailments such as colds/flu and other lung infections; help with abdominal issues, heart ailments, and the thyroid. [4]

Krāsa Sūnu zaļa[30], Zaļa[4], Sarkanīgi violeta[30], Rozīgi sarkana[30], Purpursarkana[30][4], Oranžīgi rozā[30], Rozā[4], Brūngani dzeltena[30], Dzeltenbrūna[4], Bezkrāsaina[30]
Spīdums Stikla[30], Sveķains[30]
Cietība 3,5 - 4[30][4]
Čakra 4. sirds (Heart) Anahata[4], 6. trešās acs (Third Eye) Adžnu[4]
Vibrācija 6[4]
Zodiaks Jaunava (Virgo)[4]
Kaites Vairogdziedzeris[4], Vēderdobums[4], Saaukstēšanās[4], Sirds[4], Plaušas[4], Gripa[4], Bezmiegs[4]
Emocionālā ietekme Stress[4], Miers[4], Cerība[4]
Garīgā ietekme Saskarsme ar garīgajiem pavadoņiem[4], Meditācija[4], Gaišdzirdība[4], Iepriekšējo dzīvju atsaukšana[4]
Sastopamība Reta[4]
Minerālu klase Fosfāti[4]
Blīvums (g/cm3) 2,7 - 2,8[30]
Atradnes Indija[4]