Joslainais ametists (Banded Amethyst)

Banded Amethyst is a combination of Amethyst and white Quartz, mixed together in a striped pattern, though not as pronounced as the V-shaped striped patterns of Chevron Amethyst. The properties of Banded Amethyst are the same as those of Chevron Amethyst. Chevron Amethyst combines the strengthening and enhancing qualities of Quartz with the stress relieving qualities of Amethyst. This symbiotic combination of minerals lends itself to a wonderfully spiritual stone, which is great for gently removing the veils that obscure some of the hidden meanings in life.

Chevron Amethyst is one of the best stones to work with the Third-Eye, enhancing both intuition and physical vision on all planes of existence. Use Chevron Amethyst to help remove resistance to change, and to dissipate and repel negativity of all kinds. Chevron Amethyst creates a strong healing field around the user, and as such, is a good choice to cleanse the aura and to enhance the immune system.

Crystal healers work with Chevron Amethyst for its psychic energies and for its ability to clear and strengthen the aura. Chevron Amethyst can amplify energies needed for manifestation and works well in grid work. Chevron Amethyst is also said to deepen the meditative state, enhancing the quality and frequency of visions and inspiration from higher realms. [4]

Krāsa Purpursarkana[4], Balta[4]
Čakra 6. trešās acs (Third Eye) Adžnu[4], 7. vainaga (Crown) Sahasrara[4]
Vibrācija 2[4]
Zodiaks visas[4]
Kaites Vielmaiņa[4], Trauma[4], Sasitumi[4], Parazīti[4], Pietūkums[4], Plaušas[4], Kaitīgs ieradums[4], Imūnsistēma[4], Galvassāpes[4], Gremošana[4], Hormonu ražošana[4], Elpošanas ceļi[4], Endokrīnā sistēma[4], Dzirdes traucējumi[4], Bezmiegs[4], Ādas iekaisums[4], Alkoholisms[4], Apdegumi[4], Asinis[4]
Emocionālā ietekme Zaudējums[4], Tikt galā[4], Emocionālās sāpes[4], Nemiers[4], Nesavtīgs[4], Niknums[4], Mīlestība[4], Motivācija[4], Murgi[4], Koncentrēšanās[4], Izlēmība[4], Dusmas[4], Bailes[4], Balanss[4], Bēdas[4]
Garīgā ietekme Vizualizācija[4], Psihiskās spējas[4], Sapņi[4], Mīlestība[4], Harmonija[4], Gudrība[4], Aizsardzība[4], Apzināšanās[4], Astrālie ceļojumi[4], Sapņu atmiņa[4]
Ķīmiskā formula SiO2, silīcija dioksīds[4]
Atradnes Brazīlija[4], Indija[4], Izraēla[4]