Zaļais fluorīts (Fluorite)

Maigi atjauno un atver sirds čakru, īpaši pēc emocionāla pārdzīvojuma vai traumas. Stimulē augšanu. Attīra prātu un iedvesmo radošai domāšanai. Tā harmoniskā struktūra palīdz pieņemt lēmumus, kad jūtas ir jālīdzsvaro ar praktiskiem apsvērumiem.

Novietojiet virs sirds čakras, lai atjaunotu un stimulētu enerģiju. Pievienojiet tam rožu kvarcu, lai dziedētu neveiksmīgā mīlestībā gūtās emocionālās sāpes. [9]

Zaļais fluorīts – nomierina, palīdz stresa novēršanai. Palīdz ārstēt infekcijas slimības, aizcietējumus. [20]

Known as a gentle healer, Green Fluorite will detoxify and energize all of the chakras, especially when placed on the Heart or Throat chakra. It allows us to heal from heart based issues, whether emotional or physical. It enhances intuition and brings order out of chaos. Green Fluorite dispels negative energy, especially from the environment, such as electromagnetic smog from computers and the like. It then reenergizes the atmosphere.

Green Fluorite, like all the Fluorites, keeps you on track and focused on the job at hand, whether it is work related or studying for exams. Keep it with you if you find your mind wandering. It can gently encourage struggling students.

The color of growth and renewal, Green Fluorite can enhance personal growth and insights in your life. Use Green Fluorite to connect to nature spirits, especially those of water. It can enhance the garden and attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Use it to enhance the environment where pollution and decay are present.

Physically, Green Fluorite enhances the immune system, increases cell regeneration and assimilates vital nutrients. It helps bones and teeth, and eases arthritis. Green Fluorite heals scars, both emotional as well as physical. It can help with sore throats, ulcers, stomach upsets and insomnia. [4]

Krāsa Zaļa[4]
Čakra 4. sirds (Heart) Anahata[4], 5. kakla (Throat) Višudhu[4]
Vibrācija 2[4]
Zodiaks Zivis (Pisces)[4]
Kaites Zarnu trakts[33], Zobi[4], Tourette sindroms[4], Sirds[4], Podagra[9], Migrēna[9], Kuņģis[33], Imūnsistēma[4], Infekcija[4], Ekzēma[9], Siena drudzis[9], Čūla kaklā[4], Alergijas[9], Artrīts[4]
Emocionālā ietekme Koncentrēšanās[4]
Garīgā ietekme Intuīcija[4], Auras tīrīšana[4]
Ķīmiskā formula CaF2, kalcija fluorīds[4]
Atradnes Brazīlija[4], Ķīna[4]