Melnais špinelis (Black Spinel)

Spinel comes from the Latin word, “spina”, which means “spine” and describes the sharp, needle-like formations that create Spinel crystals. Most Spinels were originally mistaken for precious gems, such as Rubies and Sapphires.

Black Spinel is a protective stone that repels negativity and grounds the user. Use Black Spinel to get rid of anger and resentment, replacing them with more effective ways of communicating. Black Spinel gives one inspiration and a better sense of empowerment, without overwhelming others.

Physically, use Black Spinel for detoxifying the body. It can heal the body as a whole, but is often helpful for the bladder, intestines, and female reproductive system. Use Black Spinel to help with leg disorders as well as problems associated with the lymphatic system. [4]

Krāsa Melna[4]
Čakra 1. saknes Muladhara[4]
Vibrācija 5[4]
Zodiaks Skorpions (Scorpio)[4], Vērsis (Taurus)[4]
Kaites Vielmaiņa[4], Reproduktīvā sistēma[4], Limfātiskā sistēma[4], Kaitīgs ieradums[4], Kājas[4], Detoksifācija[4], Asinsspiediens[4]
Emocionālā ietekme Iekšējās vērtības[4], Sagatavotība[4], Prieks[4], Aizsardzība[4]
Garīgā ietekme Personīgas iespējas un pāreja[4], Kundalini enerģija[4], Auru aizsargā un stabilizē[4]
Minerālu klase Oksīdu mirerāls[4]
Ķīmiskā formula MgAl2O4 - magnija alumīnija oksīds[4]
Atradnes Indija[4], Izraēla[4], Madagaskara[4]